Level 12-17 Meditation Aura When Equipped (varies) Prior to the Monarch shield there are not many shields with 4 Sockets.

Despite this being a level 25 Rune Word you can't typically use it until level 54+ when your character can equip a Monarch shield. There are plenty of better Rune Words that you can use for a weapon but Spirit offers you +2 to Skills on a shield which is very rare. Specifically the Spirit Shield Rune Word is the one that is "the best". Every Rune Word on this list is meant for characters who are level 50+, if you'd like to check out my other lists of Rune Words then follow the links below. It is important to learn them (or at least be aware of these limitations) before creating Runewords to prevent wasting your hard-earned Runes because, for example, you slotted them in the wrong order or in the wrong piece of equipment.This page contains a list of all the best Rune Words in Diablo 2 as well as a little bit of information about why they're on this list to begin with. There are certain "rules" that apply in order to create a Runewords. Not all Runewords work for all types of Equipment. Overall, Diablo 2's runewords add an exciting layer of depth and customization to the gameplay experience. However, acquiring the necessary runes can often be a challenging and time-consuming process, requiring players to explore different areas of the game world and defeat powerful enemies. Runewords can significantly increase the power of a character, making them essential for completing higher difficulty levels and endgame content. Some runewords are specifically designed for certain character classes or play styles, while others are more versatile and can be used by any character. Each runeword has its own unique set of properties, ranging from increased damage and resistance to adding magical effects to attacks. Diablo 2 Runewords are powerful items that can be created by inserting specific combinations of runes into sockets on an eligible item.